It has been a long time since I have blogged. Those pesky GCSEs are mostly to blame. Normally I have more time in the school holidays but during Whitsun week I went to the Hay Festival. If you don't know about this wonderful place find out more about the festival here:¤cysetting=GBP&localesetting=en-GB&resetfilters=true
and the town, nicknamed "the town of books" here:
I can guarantee that you will not have seen so many books in one place before. Everywhere you look is another bookshop and the streets are literally lined with book shelves heaving under the weight of second hand goodies.
The route I take to the little town involves a toll bridge but cost is minimum and it is rather a treat! We have fondly nicknamed it the "troll bridge":

It is like a little magical gateway into a world of books!
The children's festival is to be particularly recommended. My children thoroughly enjoyed seeing Andy Stanton, Jacqueline Wilson, Tony Robinson and the incredibly storyteller and author Atinuke (amongst others).
The weather was atrocious but, go prepared and it's really not a problem as most of it is undercover including walk ways. Just be ready for mud and creaking marquees as they are battered in the gales.
Most authors do book signings straight after their events but be aware that very occasionally there are limited tickets for this so book early. It can also mean waiting a few hours! We were fortunate enough to meet Jacqueline Wilson:
Authors hold a question and answer session at the end of their talks and it was fantastic seeing my daughter have the confidence to hold her hand up and ask a question she had thought of all on her own.
Both of my children were inspired by these events. Having listened to Ian Rankin, my son decided he wanted to write a detective story. He has been scribbling ideas down in a variety of notebooks around the house ever since. He has decided he wants to be an author.
These events are therefore, in my opinion, worth every single penny. My children came out buzzing and with new idols in their lives. I did too, but she deserves a post all of her own!
I think you're absolutely right about the benefit of these events for enthusing not just children but all those who might need a push into reading. I have to say that I prefer to go to Hay out of festival time when there is a little more room and it's easier to browse round the shops. having said that my bank manger doesn't like me going at any time. there was the never to be forgotten (or forgiven) year that I booked a holiday cottage there for a week and then spent more on books than the rental of the cottage. Never mind, i enjoyed even if he didn't.