Thursday, 16 February 2012

Lingham's - A Personal Service

Today I ventured up the Wirral to visit this local independent book shop with a big reputation.  I was not disappointed! One of my personal favourites was the classic books section in which I spotted some contenders for my shelves of bookporn!


I didn't get chance to try out the coffee shop within today but hope it will be part of my next visit in a couple of days time.  The leather seats dotted around will also require testing!

It was unfortunately more of a business trip today, preparing for my lessons over the coming months.  A found a couple of great guides and the staff were incredibly supportive when I ordered another, even pulling up the picture of the front cover so I could check it was the right one.

The bookshop also has a book club that I hope to be able to occasionally attend and seem to have regular author visits.  In fact there was one this evening which sadly I was unable to attend.  To add to the community hub feel within the shop there was a notice board letting shoppers know what is on in the area.  An excellent idea!

To top off the first class experience, I returned to find a reply to a tweet I had sent them a couple of days ago.  They hoped I had enjoyed my visit and they remember ordering my book today :-)  Yes Lingham's I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit and will now be a regular customer!

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